Earth-Honoring Ceremony

sun09jun5:30 pmsun8:00 pm5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Soul Connections Community CenterMultidimensional SupportEarth-Honoring Ceremony Event TagsCeremony,Earth HonoringCompleted

Event Details

In this class, we will learn the 7 steps to creating your own sacred, authentic earth-honouring ceremonies that are sourced from your own remembered wisdom and spiritual essence. We will cover Altar Design, Seven Directions, Multidimensional Support, 

Invocations, Heart Coherence, Ceremony Content & Closings. We will speak about cultural appropriation and how to be in integrity with your prayerful practice. Finally, using these simple steps, we will put this knowledge to practice, co-creating a ceremony that calls in a collective prayer of harmony and peace.

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Melanie Kay

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